European Greens Parliamant Elections 2019
Show within 1 minute why it's important to 'Vote Green'.
Production: Leandra Arjona-Jacobi
Directing: Leandra Arjona-Jacobi
Camera Operator: Aldo Agaatz
Color Grader: Aldo Agaatz
Editor: Leandra Arjona-Jacobi
Sound Design: Paul Fitz
GroenLinks 2019 | 'We gaan door'
Camera & Edit: Leandra Arjona-Jacobi
Woman's March 2019
“...I am brave I am loved, I am fearless, I am blessed, I am worthy, I am intelligent, I am more...”
I understand now how important it is to join a march. The energy you feel on the streets of one-ness, and marching for what we find important. We need to pass this on to our next generations.
Camera & Edit: Leandra Arjona-Jacobi
Music: Celine Cairo
GroenLinks 2018 | 'Amsterdam Millenials'
Concept, Camera & Edit: Leandra Arjona-Jacobi
Copywriting: Paul de Haas
Voice Over: Arne Dits
Music: Jules Timmers
'Wat betekent vrijheid voor jou?'
Concept, Camera & Edit: Leandra Arjona-Jacobi
Milieudefensie - Gezonde Lucht Campagne (Dutch)
Developing video content for a campaign to create awareness about the air pollution in our big cities.
Milieudefensie | VN JongerenVertegenwoordigers
'Onderdeel van een reeks van 10 portretten van mensen/ initiatieven die bewustwoording creeeren over de vervuilde lucht in onze grote steden.
Camera, Directing & Edit: Leandra Arjona-Jacobi
'Onderdeel van een reeks van 10 portretten van mensen/ initiatieven die bewustwoording creeeren over de vervuilde lucht in onze grote steden.
Camera, Directing & Edit: Leandra Arjona-Jacobi
Gemeente Amsterdam | Stadsdeel West
Concept & Production: Branding a Better World
Camera, Directing & Edit: Leandra Arjona-Jacobi
Gemeente Amsterdam | Stadsdeel Zuid
Concept & Production: Branding a Better World
Camera, Directing & Edit: Leandra Arjona-Jacobi
'De Lievelingen' (Dutch)
When I arrived at de Lievelinge it immediately felt like a special place.
I fell in love with the freedom I felt and people I met, and stayed for a whole month with my camera in my hand. I portrayed ten people, their unique stories and what moved them to create their home away from home.
Camera, Directing & Edit: Leandra Arjona-Jacob
The Living Museum | South by Southwest 2018
In March 2018 we flew to Austin, Texas to present 'The Living Museum' at the New Dutch Wave house at SXSW 2018.
A unique experience which showcases six Dutch artist in one multidisciplinary piece.
This video gives a summery of the build up, highlighting the six participating artists and their final work.
Camera, Directing & Edit: Leandra Arjona-Jacobi
The Living Museum | Goldie Shine's Villa
Goldie Shine owned The Villa at Westergas for three days
and led a tour through it's spaces occupied by different artists.
This video gives a quick impression of the tour and the performances.
Camera, Directing & Edit: Leandra Arjona-Jacobi
The Living Museum | CounterWave & Westergas
De Westergasfabriek asked me to create a compilation
of another Living Museum Tour especially created for the CounterWave.
Camera, Directing & Edit: Leandra Arjona-Jacobi
PERSPECTIVES, Parents Portrayed
During my time in London I became a mother, and wanted to create a series of short portraits about new parents and how they deal with their new life in terms of parenthood vs work, their household division and longterm dreams. (Pilot)
Camera, Directing & Edit: Leandra Arjona-Jacobi
We went on a 5 day roadtrip to Portugal together and recorded everything that crossed our way. Playing a prisoner of love and life.
Concept: Roel Vermeer & Leandra Arjona-Jacobi
Camera: Leandra Arjona-Jacobi
DiEditors: Leandra Arjona-Jacobi & Gary Berendsen
Color Grading: Gary Berendsen
Isis & Mozes | Concertgebouw Amsterdam
Camera & Edit: Leandra Arjona-Jacobi
Pannonca Quartet | Danzarin
The Pannonical Quartet collaborated with Tango dancers
Geraldine & Ezequiel recorded at the NDSM in Amsterdam
Camera, Directing & Edit: Leandra Arjona-Jacobi
Interviews with different portrayed people at the exhibition opening of 'The Naked Eye Project' at the Coba Museum.
Camera, Directing & Edit: Leandra Arjona-Jacobi
A series of street interviews in London, West Hampstead
showing that we are all not that different.
Camera, Directing & Edit: Leandra Arjona-Jacobi
- THE WAVE ibiza -
The Wave | Wedding Band compilation
Camera & Edit: Leandra Arjona-Jacobi
WirtzFilm & Northern Light | KPN Experience
Camera & Edit: Leandra Arjona-Jacobi
YSE | YSE 24
Camera, Directing & Edit: Leandra Arjona-Jacobi
Enterprise Summit | Mobile World Congress Barcelona
Camera, Directing & Edit: Leandra Arjona-Jacobi
Kickboxing Institute
Camera & Edit: Leandra Arjona-Jacobi
MVSA Architects | My Woody Pop Bakkum
Camera & Edit: Leandra Arjona-Jacobi
YSE | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Trainee
Camera & Edit: Leandra Arjona-Jacobi
BKB Het Campagnebureau | VSB Fonds
Camera, Directing & Edit: Leandra Arjona-Jacobi
WirzFilm & Northern Light | Heineken Brew Your Ride
Camera: Leandra Arjona-Jacobi
Edit: Northern Light
Tijdschrift de Helling | De Helling 30 Jaar
Camera, Directing & Edit: Leandra Arjona-Jacobi
De Westergasfabriek | ADE Boiler Room & Awakenings
Camera & Edit: Leandra Arjona-Jacobi